Woman with long hair lying on grass, wearing a pink dress and rings. Rachele Kehler, 2024 Women's Coach

I grew up in a small prairie town in Canada before moving to the West Coast for fashion school. Years spent in the customer service side of the fashion industry and managing diverse teams revealed a pattern— I loved helping people discover something amazing about themselves they never even knew they had within. It wasn’t until after I went through a divorce that I made the pivotal decision to return to school and pursue my true calling. 

Enrolling in a program at Rhodes Wellness College renowned for its holistic client-centered approach and experiential learning, I embarked on what would become a profound and transformative journey. Along the way, I faced nearly every major life crisis imaginable– the death of loved ones, eviction, unemployment, a health crisis, and so much more.

During this time, I began to use the tools and techniques I learned throughout my training as a certified Life Coach and Registered Professional Counsellor to cultivate a raw and authentic relationship with myself, one rooted in self-love and acceptance.

This work is part of my life story.

With the support of coaches, somatic healers, and holistic health workers, I went on to heal fibromyalgia, chronic fabric syndrome and endometriosis, which manifested due to unexpressed emotions, needs and boundaries from childhood conditioning.

Child laughing in a colorful baby seat next to another child reaching out.

When I was two years old, my life was changed. My younger sister was born with a rare, delibitating disease and though was not expected to live for more than a few hours, she made it to fourteen years. As a child, I abruptly transitioned from being the center of attention to becoming a caregiver for my sister and second-hand to my mother, helping with feeding tubes, changing diapers, and anticipating the worst at every corner. To avoid burdening my family, I learned to be self-sufficient, helpful, and attentive to the needs of others.

This unique and challenging upbringing imprinted on me a natural intuition and empathy. I developed a keen ability to see behind closed doors, never assuming I know what's happening for someone else. My compassion for people's default stress responses stems from witnessing the constant stress in my own childhood home.

I understand how these experiences can lead to craving for attention and how they can shape our sense of self-worth, because that was my story too.

My personal healing journey, combined with my formal training and work as a therapist, fueled a passion for helping others tap into their innate power and strengths, facilitating their own personal transformations, and leading them back home to themselves.

Woman with long hair posing outdoors, wearing black top and green pants. Rachele Kehler, Women's Alignment Coach

A few of the techniques I am trained in that I access with clients within my offerings:

-Solution Focused Therapy

-Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

-Somatic Therapy (Body Connection), including EMDR & EFT

-Professional & Life Skills Coaching

-Mindfulness Techniques

-Narrative Therapy

-Inner Child Reflection/Regression

-Human Design

-Astrology & Birth Card Readings

-NLP, Neuro Linguistic reprogramming

...and so much more!!

A few fun facts about me:

  • I was in a band. I sang background vocals and played numerous instruments.

  • I once embarked on a solo femininity pilgrimage in England and almost got lost driving through the countryside!

  • I've been called an old soul my whole life, often having older friends or supporting adults.

  • I could talk all day about: Human Design, spirituality, holistic health, and astrology.

  • I always ask for extra pickles, and if you haven't eaten yours...I may steal it off your plate!



Check out my podcast to learn more about me, to be inspired and to hear other women’s stories of love, life and business.

Cursive text "featured on" on a transparent background.
Four animated characters in suits and masks, resembling a heist theme.

I am honored to have been recognized and included in The Best Vancouver's list of top Life Coaches in the city. Check out the article here.

Blue circular logo with city skyline illustration, text "The Best Vancouver."