A 6-month mastermind group for female leaders.

The Round Table is for experienced, ambitious, soul-led women ready to expand their empire to make change in the world they’re in while honouring their women-forward way of showing up in relationships, life and business. More heart, more impact, more abundance, more sovereignty.

Let's connect, collaborate and co-create at The Round Table.

We saved a seat just for you!

You’re Invited To Join The Club!

Dear Soul-Led Leader,

You are invited to remember your divinity. Your sovereignty. Your spark. Your woman-ness. And your influence, impact and innovation as a business owner. ALL of it is all of you. If you’re ready to continue to deepen what it means to live a multidimensional, multifaceted life as a female-led entrepreneur, I am excited to invite you to take a seat at The Round Table. Forget “knights of The Round Table,” we are QUEEN’S of The Round Table! Together, we will explore what it means to connect with your WHOLE self in all areas of life. Women do business, love and life differently. You know the value of surrounding yourself with others who are making a difference in this world, as do I, which is why I am inviting you to join us and take your seat at the table. We’ve got some pretty epic experiences to create inside the club. Are you in?

With Love,


The Female Revolution Starts Here.

What would it look like if…

You had a seat at the table with women who want to do life, love, and business just like you—holistically. They are thought leaders, innovators, cycle breakers, and ambitiously, audaciously soul-led women who GET IT. Can you feel it?!


Where business and love converge to create a multidimensional container of expansion and connection as you’ve never felt before. Empowering the WHOLE woman in her WHOLE life.

For the women who are leaving a mark on the world.
For the women who are on a mission to build women up.
For the women who are paving the way for other women.
For the women who are doing business and life in their authentic power.
For the women who are ready to exponentially grow their wealth, impact and vision.

For the women who know the way of the future is about collaboration, community and co-creation with other leaders.

For the women who know the power of being surrounded by the right people and how that will inevitably be the energy she needs to get to her next levels of success.

Your ancestors met in sacred communion as women. It’s time we bring back the tradition of doing life TOGETHER.

Take a seat at the table; we’d love to have you join the club!


“The Round Table is where we sit in circle, as leaders, sharing, growing, learning and innovating TOGETHER. This is more than flower crowns and cacao; it is elevated, multifaceted, in-depth support meets an evocation to elevate your entire life.”

-Rachele Kehler, Your Host


  • Holistic Growth

    Everything is interconnected, and the way you do one thing is the way you do everything. Regularly we will do somatic or spiritual release practices to expand your capacity to grow within your business and relationships in order to receive more abundance. With a regulated nervous system you build the capacity to hold more and continue to align to your big life's mission.

  • Co-Facilitated Mentorship

    A safe space for you to receive, to process and to talk about what is going on in your world is exactly what can propel your business and life forward. These deep conversations are the essence of mentorship and community. We all have topics we are experts on, we all have times when we need some listening ears or perspective shifts. This is true co-created leadership. Let's share.

  • Referrals & Collaboration

    More recommendations and collaborations mean more eyes on your business. It is highly encouraged to share your fellow leader’s medicine with your connections so that your business and theirs can grow. In addition, if you feel inspired, this is a great group of experts to trade services, co-facilitate, collaborate or create something new together! Anything is possible.

  • Brainstorming & Heartstorming

    We are always innovating and creating. Let's create space to share ideas, trial your workshops and receive feedback from other leaders in the field. This will help you feel even more confident, seen and ready to show up in your business. Preparing and working out the kinks alongside women who hold you in the highest regard inevitably will make you feel prepared to share your vision with your community.

  • Thought Leadership & Speaking

    We are all leaders. It's important that this table is round for a reason. We all hold the container. My vision is that we create thought leader panels, summits and and participate in other public speaking front facing opportunities to SHINE. The world needs to SEE women supporting women and HEAR the way we see, think and operate in order to ripple into mass heart forward healing.

  • Spiritual Expansion

    It’s important to connect to the divine parts that make us women. At least once per month, we will tap inward and expand our consciousness and capacity in order to enhance our relationship with self, our femininity, and our spirituality in order to generate regular sparks of "divine downloads" for you, your life and your business. As a member you are welcome to share your spiritual gifts and tools as well!

+ Feminine Business + Women Forward Leadership + Public Speaking + Spiritual Growth + Financial Abundance + Community + Referrals + Relationship Support + Women Empowering Women

+ Feminine Business + Women Forward Leadership + Public Speaking + Spiritual Growth + Financial Abundance + Community + Referrals + Relationship Support + Women Empowering Women

Elevate, expand and empower yourself & your business

A Mastermind Group Done Differently

The coaching world has changed the definition of a mastermind group. So, let me remind you that a true mastermind has circular leadership. You do not need to be told what to do. You have wisdom to share, and you know the importance of having a seat at the table with other empowered women like you.

This is not a masculine singular goal-based group—we are a collective of women going on a journey together on a mission to lead with our hearts first. This means life AND business support. It means intention setting AND embodiment, discipline AND flow, logic AND feelings. This means 3D world AND universal truth. Your voice and contribution matter here.

You’re more than your business, and your business is you. How feminine is that?! Taking this leap to apply to be a part of this intimate collective will elevate your relationships, expand your consciousness, and empower your empire, the woman way.

Listen to your heart. Join us at the leader’s table. Let’s create magic TOGETHER!

*Space is limited to keep the intimacy. Apply today if you are interested. You are under zero pressure to accept if you are approved.


Bi-weekly 90-Min Group Coaching via Zoom.

Up to 1 per month co-working time - body doubling is incredibly helpful to stay on task and great time to brainstorm with others.

1 per month ceremony- somatic, spiritual, femininity-focused or nervous system regulation, depending on the group's needs.

Telegram club connection, check-ins & accountability.

Telegram Divine Downloads/audio transmissions from Rachele.

Opportunities to facilitate/trial or brainstorm new workshop ideas.

A group of women that you can use as referrals with the option to trade services.

An opportunity to be interviewed on Rachele’s podcast, Sovereign Heart.

Option to be a founding member of The Panel and The Summit Series.

Consistent, committed support from women just like you for 6 months.


Currently accepting applications. We start at the end of October!

Please note that some of these details are subject to change or shift depending on the group’s needs. The intention is to collaborate and grow, which means I take feedback very seriously and shift the container as needed.

Your application shows you are inquiring and interested!

If for any reason you would prefer a different payment structure please email me directly after you’ve received your application approval.

What Women Are Saying

  • AB, USA

    "Rachele created a safe space for women to feel heard, empowered and uplifted. She encouraged our group to feel our emotions openly and prided us on our diligence in our own self-discovery while educating us on new ways of connecting to ourselves."

  • KM, Canada

    "Since working with Rachele, I feel secure with my finances. I was able to travel solo with confidence, and I'm now in the relationship of my dreams. I couldn't have done this without her support!"

  • BC, USA

    "Rachele encouraged me to do my business my way. I was feeling pressure to fit in with what I thought I was "supposed" to do and after working with her I feel more confident and inspired to launch!"

  • HC, Canada

    "I have been in the self-development and healing field for many years, doing it professionally, too. But when it came to my stuff, I realized the blind spots I had in the area of relationships. Working with Rachele, I felt safe and supported while walking away with tools and techniques I can use for years to come in my marriage and my business. I am forever grateful to have been guided to work with Rachele."

  • ID, USA

    "Rachele's coaching has seriously changed my life. She has seen me through some of my lowest lows, from navigating C-PTSD to selling a million dollar company before I was ready to nearly getting a divorce. I truly do not know if I would be where I am today, finally stepping into my power and calling as a coach and co-visionary, if it weren't for the MANY where she spoke boldly into my life, reminding me that my "different" is so very needed in this world and that I don't have to compromise. I'm sharing because I love who I am and the life I have today, and I want others to experience this magic for themselves!"

  • AS, USA

    "I love and accept myself exactly as I am. Thank you Rachele for teaching me this beautiful mantra! It has helped me transform my life in so many ways. Working with Rachele has taught me so much about who I am at a core level, especially understanding my feminine expression and HOW to process my emotions. I am so grateful!"

Why The Round Table?

As the oldest daughter, 6-2 sacral generator, and an independent Aquarius, I have always been considered a leader. At 19 years old, I managed a team of folks who were all 40+…and then something shifted for me…

Through my divorce, car accident and health crisis, all happening within four years, I went back to school to become a therapist and coach. My inner, highly independent oldest daughter started to lean into her femininity and realized she was scared to step into leadership again. Not because I couldn’t do it but because she was worried I would be lonely and worried she would be “too masculine.” Ironically, I picked a career where confidentiality required me NOT to talk about my work while holding space and problem-solving.

Fast-forward a few years, and I realized that I just wasn’t fitting the mould of a traditional therapist. So, I made a move to become a coach so that I could support my clients in a way that I knew would help them expand and grow permanently.

That was my first shift into true leadership. I had to carve my own path and create my own way. Once I did, I realized how many times in life prior I had always done this!!

And then I realized that another key thing was missing was a community of women around me who were making waves and changing the world around them too. So I attempted to bring together the community three different times, but I didn’t stick.


I was trying to make it fit for everyone else while overgiving and ignoring my desire to collaborate as a team.

And this summer, something hit me. I am meant to be in the room with thought leaders, cycle-breakers, innovators, and entrepreneurs on a soul mission because I AM ON A SOUL MISSION. Nothing can stop me now.

Which is why I wanted to invite soul-led women like you to take a seat at the table. The Round Table, specifically. Forget knights of the realm- we are Queens who sit in circle and uplift, inspire, collaborate and support each other.

Business, love and life can get lonely without a community of trusted friends, sisters, and fellow leaders who invite you to step more and more into your soul mission. We all need each other more than ever.

As much as this is me holding the container, this is OUR VISION. When women gather together and grow- we ALL expand. Are you with me?

“I am on a mission to bring women back in collaboration and community while helping them remember their inherent divinity. We thrive when we expand and grow as individuals, together. ”

-Rachele Kehler, Your Host



Doors are now open.

The purpose of the application is to keep the group intimate and with shared vision and values. If you aren’t a fit for this round, it doesn’t mean you wouldn’t be for a future group!

Your application does not mean you are committed and all in; it shows you are inquiring and interested.