I did EFT (Tapping) for 14 Days Straight. What did I notice?
A few weeks ago, it hit me. Some part of my intuition said I needed to practice EFT daily. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique, and what you want to do is tap on specific meridian points on the body to clear the energy and/or call something in. EFT is a great tool for regulating the nervous system and calming stress.
When I decided to try my 14-day experiment, I didn’t consider how much it would overlap with the launch of my new branding—but wow, was this timing perfect!
I wanted to do some tapping on the subject of abundance. My goal was to call in more clients, but I discovered that it wasn’t actually about this at all.
I soon learned how much I wanted to avoid the practice of EFT just as soon as I started it. I would quickly record a video for Instagram and then think I was “done” when, in reality, I knew I needed to go deeper.
The first layer of depth of awareness after a few days of tapping was, “What if my needs won't be met?” I wasn’t trusting the universe to provide, and I wasn’t trusting I would be provided for because, as a child, I quickly stopped asking for my needs to be met. When my special needs sister was born, I often had to “wait my turn” or would regularly be forgotten about. So, I adapted very quickly and learned to adapt to meet my own needs or just adjust my expectations of others and settle for what I was given (instead of asking.)
This was a doozie.
I felt emotional, I felt vulnerable, and then what happened….
My friends and family started showing up for me. They were asking about my launch and what I needed, and even folks who subscribed to my newsletter were giving me feedback on how excited they were about my new branding.
I was debunking this lie I was telling myself since I was two years old.
EFT helped me calm my monkey mind and let go.
Which then revealed to me another layer…
I was uncomfortable being celebrated.
YUP, the woman who helps women feel safe to be seen, was uncomfortable being seen. I felt like a fraud. I felt like an imposter, and I felt like the only way to escape those thoughts was to have something “worth” celebrating- a tangible accomplishment.
I didn’t believe that my rebrand, my new demographic, my new website, and the online store (The Apothecary) weren’t enough. Whaaaa??? I had no idea I was so driven by accomplishment. I thought I needed to achieve something huge to be worthy of being celebrated.
It turns out that I can be celebrated not only for what I've achieved but also for being on the brink of achieving something and for simply being myself. I didn’t have to get an “A” grade or win a trophy to be celebrated. (Once again, I didn’t realize I was holding onto that belief, so thank you, EFT, for showing me a personal block!)
I have a post-it note on my bathroom mirror that reminds me to celebrate every step of the way, and here I was, uncomfortable celebrating a step.
EFT helped me let go of this discomfort. No word of a lie: Every part of me wanted to cancel my launch party. I wanted to hide in case I would “fail.” I’m sorry, what?! My nervous system wanted to protect me from something not working out—aka, not getting a need met.
Let that sink in for a second: I wanted to sabotage my need being met “just in case” I didn’t get it met. How many times have you done that?!
I would have totally stopped myself from showing up fully IF I didn’t tell the world I was celebrating myself and IF I wasn’t doing EFT.
So, what did I learn about tapping?
Well, it's not a manifestation tool- BUT it is a massive regulator support and it fast-tracked me, clearing stuck beliefs. It didn’t immediately provide results as in money, but what it did provide me with was the realization of how abundant in friendships I am, how abundant in support I am, how abundant in receiving I am, how abundant in my feminine I am…and in all honesty- my heart was overflowing with gratitude, and that means I was full of an abundance of LOVE, which is exactly the frequency to align with money.
In addition, I realized that EFT is a tool that we all need to use on a regular basis.
This launch felt like not just a rebrand but a rebirth, and had I not been using EFT, I don’t think I would have stayed on track. Anxiety and thoughts could have easily taken over, but EFT helped me stay grounded and present. I also felt much more free to express my emotions as they came up and release them on the spot rather than pushing them away or trying to “stay strong.”
All in all, EFT will continue to be a tool in my toolbelt- and an absolutely VITAL tool to support my (and anyone’s) nervous system when expanding to those next levels of success.
If you are curious to learn more about EFT and how it can support your growth, I offer customized live EFT coaching sessions, which you can book here. In addition, you can purchase a pre-recorded EFT clearing for stress through my Apothecary here.
After reading this, will you introduce more EFT to help your alignment?